Home Chirpy Theme Stats Retrospective

Chirpy Theme Stats Retrospective


While using Velog widgets, I wanted to display the latest posts from my GitHub blog in my README.
Based on that idea, I decided to create this widget.

Development Process

The Velog widget used GraphQL to fetch data, but it was challenging to find a similar API for GitHub pages.
So, I decided to use Rss Feed to retrieve the data.

I converted the fetched data from Rss to Json and inserted it into an SVG.

When I tested it locally, the widget displayed the recent data correctly, and the links worked as expected.

I used Vercel as the web server.

[![Github Blog Stats](https://gitblog-stats.vercel.app/api?xml=<RSS LINK>)](<YOUR BLOG URL>)

You can use the above code to embed the widget.
Github Blog Stats



I was initially confused when I opened the source code.
I had no knowledge of GraphQL, and it seemed unfamiliar to me.
So, I quickly went to learn about GraphQL through tutorials and found it relatively easy to understand.

Rss to Json

When I looked at the RSS data, I tried using XML to JSON libraries.
However, I encountered the “Non-whitespace before first tag” error regardless of which libraries I used.
Eventually, I found and used the rss to json library to resolve the issue.


I tried using Vercel for the first time, and fortunately, the setup wasn’t too difficult.
Initially, I deployed following another person’s blog, but I kept encountering a 500 error.
So I referred to a tutorial video to help me with the deployment.


eungyeole’s velog-readme-stats
MoonJuhan’s tistory-readme-stats

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.

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