Jean's Blog

June Retrospective

Throughout the Month… Summer is here… It’s hot…. humid… Feeling suffocated. 1. 4 Projects There were 2 team projects, 1 personal project, and 1 mini project. The first team project was ...

Encryption and Decryption

Encryption Encryption is the process of converting original information into an encrypted form. Encryption typically involves using specific algorithms and keys. Decryption Decryption is the p...

Chirpy Theme Stats Retrospective

Motivation While using Velog widgets, I wanted to display the latest posts from my GitHub blog in my README. Based on that idea, I decided to create this widget. Development Process The Ve...

Entity-Relationship Diagram

ERD An Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) visualizes the database structure and related information in software development and database design. Design When designing an ERD, you need to defi...

What is middleware?

Middleware Middleware is a function that operates between the request and response in an application, hence the name “middle-ware.” It sits in the middle and functions between the two. ...

Journey to understanding mongoose findOne().sort()

Why Sort in findOne? While listening to a lecture, I came across the following code snippet: const maxOrderByUserId = await Todo.findOne().sort("-order").exec(); This code retrieves the data wi...

Cookie and Session

🍪 Cookie Cookie are data sent as part of the Response. The server bakes the cookie and sends them to the browser in the Response. The browser, if it has the cookie, includes them in subsequent com...


Error [ERR_HTTP_HEADERS_SENT]: Cannot set headers after they are sent to the client. // Create a comment router.post("/comment", async (req, res) => { const { postId, content, commentId } = r...

Forcing a Pull in the Local Repository

Forcing a Pull in the Local Repository Overwriting the code in the local repository with whatever code is in the GitHub repository. git fetch --all git reset --hard origin/main git pull origin ma...

Reverting a Commit in GitHub

Reverting a Commit in GitHub How to revert a commit and force push in a local repository to remove commit history. The commit history will also be deleted. git reset --hard <commit id> g...