Home What is middleware?

What is middleware?


Middleware is a function that operates between the request and response in an application, hence the name “middle-ware.” It sits in the middle and functions between the two.

  • Manipulation: Middleware can inspect request headers or add specific headers to the response.

    • For example, a middleware can check the validity of an authentication token by inspecting the headers.
  • Adding an intermediate step: Middleware can perform additional actions during request or response processing.

    • For instance, a middleware can check the user’s authentication status before accessing a page that requires login, such as a user’s profile or an admin page.
    • It can also validate data and send error responses if errors are detected.
  • Cycle control: Middleware has control over the cycle between the request and the response.

    • For example, a middleware can record the time when a request occurs and add it to the response headers.
    • It can also perform logging for incoming requests.

How to use Middleware

app.use((req, res, next) => {
  // Code to be executed in the middle
  • next: Calls the next middleware function defined in the stack.
  • If multiple middleware functions overlap, they will be entered sequentially starting from the first middleware.
  • If next() is not called during the execution of a middleware, the next middleware will not be executed.
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