Home June Retrospective

June Retrospective

Throughout the Month…

Summer is here… It’s hot…. humid… Feeling suffocated.

1. 4 Projects

There were 2 team projects, 1 personal project, and 1 mini project.

  • The first team project was a movie review site that used local storage, so there weren’t many difficulties. It was familiar, and if I had to mention a challenge, it would be GitHub deployment… the path was challenging.

  • In the personal project, I tried using Sequelize! I also used Amazon RDS, but so far, DBeaver or T3 seems better.

  • The mini project was challenging in terms of logic. Most of the concepts and implementations were new to me, so I struggled with how and in what way to implement them.

  • The second team project was quite difficult. I struggled with Sequelize and implementing front-end logic. Of course, it was fun, but that’s another story when it’s resolved.

    • Communication with team members was also quite challenging. I thought I communicated well enough(?), but I still have room for improvement….

2. Meaning of Daily Logging

I modified most of the posts written as TIL (Today I Learned).
I didn’t want to just have a bunch of TIL posts that may not be seen.
Instead, I included errors or concepts as titles.
It looks much better than having posts filled with only TILs, and it will be much easier to find previous questions or concepts later on.


Mini Projects

I really enjoy doing mini projects! If time allows, I would like to do them more often…
There might be many things I don’t know, so it could be challenging.
If time permits, doing them once a month should be okay, right?

Sleep Time

I’m making an effort to go to bed before 12 a.m. after work.
I’m aiming for at least 6 hours of sleep!


Declining Health

Sitting for 12 hours makes me feel like my health is deteriorating.
I should exercise, but I missed the ticketing for swimming…
Lately, I’ve become interested in judo while watching Siren: Survive the Island… but the timing doesn’t work out.

Improve Communication Skills

Communicating with others is difficult, even though I thought I was communicating well enough.
I really want to learn communication skills from somewhere…


1. Exercise

First, I should register for swimming in August.
Although registration is almost at the end of the month, and there are a lot of people, hopefully it works out.

If that doesn’t work out again, I could do morning workouts or go back to doing CrossFit like before.

2. Improve Communication Skills

I haven’t thought about how to improve them yet.
Dealing with people seems to be the most difficult thing.
First, I’ll seek advice from those around me and find books to read or something.

🌿 Farewell to June

I did well, and let’s work hard in the future.
But the boot camp is ending sooner than I expected.
In terms of duration, it’s not that soon, but there aren’t many projects or things left.

July is the Node.js mastery Course, and I’m excited to learn what we’ll be studying.
Let’s work hard.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.

Encryption and Decryption
